As an appliance tech you may not have to stand at a podium and speak very often, but every day you are dealing with customers, and that is also a form of public speaking.
Check out this cool infographic and think how these tips can help improve your customer interactions. Each one of these corresponds in some way to your communications during a service call, such as knowing what you need to say about your company’s way of doing business, being calm, pacing yourself appropriately, being confident (even if you don’t always feel it!), and judging your “audience.”
The “soft skills” of customer relations require study and attention just like the “hard skills” of technical training! We cover these skills in both the Professional Development for Appliance Repair Technicians training course and Operating a Profitable Appliance Repair Business course. If you enroll in a course bundle, you’ll receive one of these courses at a deeply discounted rate!